Arrival of baby Isla

She arrived Monday bang on due date. Started at about 5:30am with back pain. I managed to stay at home until 2pm using my ball, breathing and using comb. Got to hospital and was 7cm so they filled the pool. Got in and was pretty much fully dilated. I was pushing for a long time, Dan reckons at least 2 hours, waters still intact. They came bulging out and they asked me to get out the pool to examine as they were a little concerned about baby. When they examined, they learnt she had pooped in my waters so asked if they could put heart rate monitor on- we consented. When I was pushing her heart rate was decreasing so they asked if I would allow the consultant to come and check her- of course I said yes. The consultant then advised that they needed to get her out quickly, they talked about forceps and we were told about all the benefits and risks etc. That obviously meant that I needed to have a spinal block, again we talked about benefits etc. I then had to go straight to theatre obviously because they advised that I needed to be somewhere sterile. They also advised that because when I was pushing against the doctors hand and he could see she was stuck I would need an episiotomy and that if she then still wouldn't come out I'd need a C section. I did everything they advised and pushed when they told me and luckily she was out! So no c section. I've had stitches, so I'm pretty sore but so proud of us all. I can't believe I stayed at home until 7cm with no pain relief!! It wasn't exactly what we wanted but I'm just so pleased she is okay!! Thank you so much for everything, it certainly helped!! xxx  

Lovely Caesarean Story, the birth of Ada-Mae Rose

Our new arrival finally landed yesterday after a 48 hour labour. Started our great, the hypnobirthing tactics worked a dream but we had lots of complications and had to have an emergency c section as she had the cord round her neck. It was as relaxing and positive a c-section as we could have wanted though and all the relaxation techniques really helped me not to panic! Thank you so much for all your help Elodie, even though I didn’t get the natural labour it was still an amazing experience and we got our little girl happy and healthy out of it. We’ve named her Ada Mae Rose xxx